
Terms & Conditions

Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V, its subsidiaries, affiliates and related parties, (hereinafter “GM”) located at Anaxágoras 620, Col. Narvarte, c.p. 03020, Benito Juárez, is the Company Responsible (the “Controller”) through its officials (the “Processors”) for the legitimate treatment, use, storage and controlled and informed disclosure of the personal data collected from you, to achieve corporate objectives across all GM's business areas, which is why we reaffirm our commitment to privacy and the right to control the personal information that concerns each person.

In compliance with provisions settled by Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, (hereinafter the “Law”), its Regulations and Guidelines applicable, this privacy notice has the main objective to inform you about the treatment that will be given to personal data, when they are collected, used, stored and/or transferred by GM, to offer you the services you have requested, know your needs, inform you about changes in them, address complaints and clarifications and evaluate the quality of the service we provide, therefore, we inform you:

Personal data we collect: You can enter our website, without providing us with your personal data, or, we can obtain your personal data in different situations, whether contained in an email, in a request of any of our services obtained personally or through our website, or those provided, with a view to establishing a legal relationship, within which, we will ask for the following: (i) Contact information, such as : Full name, address, Date of Birth, Nationality, Country of birth, RFC, CURP, Phone or cellular number, Email, Occupation or Profession; (ii) Identity Documentation, such as: Voting Credential, Passport, Military Card or Professional Identification Card; (iii) Personal References, such as information from non-relatives; (iv) Billing data, such as: name, tax address, R.F.C., billing email, (v) Financial data, such as: payment method, bank account identification number, financial institution and interbank code.

Sensitive Personal Data
In order to comply with the purposes of this Privacy Notice, we inform you that whether as a client, user or supplier, GM does not collect sensitive personal data, considering all those that may affect the most intimate sphere of the human being.

Purposes and/or uses of Personal Data
GM may use your personal data for several purposes, depending on the particular circumstances in which it is collected, always depending on the relationship we have with you and the specific Privacy Notice that, where appropriate, has been provided to you.

Necessary purposes, when you:
Visit our facilities, in order to control access and maintain the security of our facilities.

You contact us:

  1. To inform you about our services.
  2. Investigate and qualify your application for admission according to the information provided by you.
  3. To answer your questions or comments.
  4. Establish a legal relationship.
  5. Respond to information and provide attention and service.
  6. Financial management.
  7. Formalization of contracts.
  8. Submission of publications.
  9. To send information regarding advertising and promotions of the services offered by GM.
  10. Billing and collection
  11. To keep in touch with you.

Tracking Technologies usage
When you browse our website, certain non-personal information is collected through “cookies” and “server logs” or “web beacons”. This information is obtained through the simple use and interaction with our website and the information collected may consist of Internet Protocol addresses, your operating system, browser type, information about your location (provided by mobile devices) and the route you follow during the time you spend on our page.

This data is collected solely for the following purposes: to generate statistics regarding visits to our website, the time spent on it, and the reference sites that may have brought you to ours. This information is also used to maintain and update user profiles and to customize or personalize the information provided hereby.

Minors and incapables

GM and its subsidiaries are committed to minors and incapables; Therefore, we do not intentionally collect or process personal data from minors and incapable persons without the express knowledge of their parents, guardians or legal representatives. If you are a parent, guardian or legal representative of a minor or incapable person and you know that you have provided us with personal data without his or her consent, you may request to cancel them.

Transfer of Personal Data
GM may transfer your personal data to: i) its affiliated or subsidiary companies that are identified or associated; ii) its authorized franchisees, third-party intermediaries and service providers with whom it has a legal relationship; iii) National or foreign third parties, with the sole in order to promote services in Mexico or abroad, In accordance with the provisions of this privacy notice, third parties and recipients of personal data have the same obligations and/or responsibilities of GM.

Your authorization in accordance with this section, entitles the Controller and/or its Managers to transmit your personal data to aforesaid suppliers, with the understanding that the latter are obliged through the corresponding contracts to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data provided by the Controller and/or its Managers, and to observe this Privacy Notice.

GM commit not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, excluding for the exceptions provided by the Law and its Regulations, as well as to carry out that transfer in the terms established by said regulations.

If you do not express your opposition for the transfer of your data, it will be understood that you have given your consent.

For questions, clarifications, requests, complaints or comments regarding the handling of your personal data, please address to the email:

Security measures
GM has adopted security, administrative, technical and physical measures, necessary and within its reach to protect personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or processing.

Rights to personal data
You have the right to access, ratify and cancel your personal data, as well, to oppose their processing or revoke the consent that you have given us for this purpose, by submitting your request in writing, considering the requirements stipulated in Law for this purpose.

Changes or modifications to the Privacy Notice
We reserve the right to modify this privacy notice at any time, to address legislative reforms, internal policies, or developments in the provision or offering of our services. These modifications will be available to the public through our website:

Last update: March 22nd, 2024


TERMS OF USE Conditions of use - Effective as of 02/01/2024. The following Conditions of Use (“Conditions of use”) regulate terms and conditions for access and use of the page, (“The portal”) that every user must read and accept in order to be able to use all the services and information provided and facilitated on this portal. By mere access and/or use of the portal, all or part of its content and/or services, implies full acceptance of these general conditions of use, as well as our privacy policy, which can be consulted at www. If you do not accept these conditions of use or the privacy policy, you should not access the portal.

These Conditions of Use will regulate access and use of the portal, which includes contents and services available to users on and/or through the portal. Notwithstanding the foregoing, access and use of certain content may be subject to certain specific conditions.

Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V., will reserve the right to modify general conditions of use of the portal at any time. Although, its content is not modified periodically, it is recommended to consult terms and conditions periodically.

Disclaimer Information provided on this website is made available to you solely for general information purposes. Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V does not guarantee the accuracy of aforesaid information. This website may include content provided by third parties, information that is reproduced here for informational and reference purposes only.

Since the information contained in this portal is merely informative, it cannot be considered specialized advice of any kind, therefore Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages that may arise from the use of this Portal, or the information contained therein.

Except in cases where the law expressly imposes, the Portal does not guarantee or assume any responsibility with respect to any damage that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns, disconnections of any kind in the operational functioning of this portal, for reasons beyond control of Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V. Likewise, the Portal excludes any liability for damages that may be due to the information and/or services provided or supplied by third parties other than GM.


This portal uses "cookies", which consist of small blocks of data that certain portals or websites, which are sent to the computer's hard drive when it is connected, which is intended to ease identification. This information will be stored on the hard drive of the user's computer. The “cookies” will be associated only with an anonymous user, without it being possible to access personal data or, in general, data on the user's hard drive. The use of “cookies” allows Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V to obtain certain information about the date and time in which the user last used our site, speed up the service offered, the content chosen and your identification data to give you more personalized attention and avoid the user having to register for each visit to access the services. Notwithstanding the above, the user may block the “cookies” generated by the website, by selecting the corresponding option in their browser program. However, this may cause the speed and quality of the operation of the services of Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V to decrease, in addition to other collateral effects of that aforesaid refusal.

User Obligations
User must respect at all times, terms and conditions established in these general conditions of use of the portal, releasing Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V from any liability that may arise from non-compliance with the rules.

User must respect at all times, terms and conditions established in these general conditions of use of the portal, releasing Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V from any liability that may arise from non-compliance with the rules.

Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V has its principal place of business in Mexico City. Any dispute or claim related to the website and these conditions of use will be governed by the laws applicable in Mexico City, leaving without effect any other legislation or conflict of law provision.

Total Agreement
Terms of use and our privacy policy constitute the sole and entire agreement with Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V with respect to the website, and supersede all prior understandings, agreements, representations and warranties, both written and oral.



Logos, brand identities and other commercial and service marks (hereinafter: “the marks”) may appear on this website, of which Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V is the owner or licensee. The brands correspond exclusively to Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V or their legitimate owners and all rights over them are expressly reserved. By its mere publication it should not be understood that any license or authorization of use of its contents, data or services is granted, other than that expressly detailed in these general conditions, or that any of their rights over those contents.

This website or its contents may not be used for purposes other than those expressly authorized by Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V. In any case, all use must be in accordance with the provisions of the Applicable Law, previously authorized in writing by Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V and for exclusively personal and non-commercial purposes, maintaining the content used in its entirety and acknowledging Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V. as its owner.

This website and its content are protected by both national and international Intellectual Property protection laws. All rights will be reserved in favor of Grun Mart™, S.A.P.I de C.V or its legitimate owner.